About Top Media Buyers


At Top Media Buyers, we function as the veritable compass that guides marketing enthusiasts and professionals through the labyrinthine universe of media buying. We meticulously compile, curate, and present rankings of the brightest luminaries in the media buying sphere. Our mission is not just to list names, but to unravel the layers of expertise, innovation, and success that these media magicians weave. We delve into the heart of their strategies, dissecting their approach to target markets, their knack for nailing the timing, and their flair for selecting the right kind of media. We don't believe in a static world. Hence, our rankings are not etched in stone. Recognizing the dynamism of the media buying industry, we continuously monitor trends, observe shifts, and track performance. Our rankings are a living, breathing entity, reflecting the ebb and flow of the industry. Why do we rank them, you ask? We believe in celebrating excellence and fostering healthy competition. Our rankings serve as a yardstick, recognizing the accomplishments of top performers while inspiring others to elevate their game. And just as seasons change, we adjust our rankings quarterly, ensuring they remain relevant, accurate, and reflective of the ever-evolving media buying landscape.

Ranking Methodology

The ranking order for the Top 10 Media Buyers is derived using an algorithm based on the following criteria:

First half:
  • Financial Strength: The site examines the financial stability and purchasing power of media buyers. This includes reviewing their annual revenues, market shares, and overall financial health. Media buyers with more robust financial resources typically have a higher capacity to purchase more significant media spaces, influencing their rankings.
  • Portfolio Diversity: Top Media Buyers assesses the diversity within a media buyer's portfolio. This includes the range of industries they have worked in, the variety of media channels they utilize, and the geographical spread of their operations. A broader portfolio often indicates versatility and adaptability.
  • Client Satisfaction Rate: The website also gauges media buyers based on their client satisfaction rates. This involves analyzing client reviews and testimonials, repeat business rates, and overall client feedback. Higher client satisfaction usually signals superior service delivery.
  • Innovation and Creativity: Top Media Buyers values media buyers that showcase innovative and creative strategies in their work. This is measured by evaluating unique media buying strategies, campaigns' originality, and the ability to reach audiences in new and creative ways.
Second half:
  • Negotiation Skills: The ability to negotiate favorable terms with media sellers is a crucial aspect of media buying. Top Media Buyers considers the evidence of successful negotiations, including securing prime slots at competitive prices, in their ranking system.
  • Analytical Prowess: The site calculates media buyers' ability to analyze market trends, consumer behavior, and media consumption patterns. Media buyers that demonstrate strong analytical skills and use data-driven strategies often rank higher.
  • Return on Investment: The site evaluates the return on investment that media buyers provide to their clients. This includes analyzing the cost-effectiveness of their campaigns, the conversion rates, and overall campaign success metrics.
  • Ethical Practices: Lastly, Top Media Buyers takes into account the ethical practices of media buyers. This involves assessing their commitment to transparency, fair dealings, and adherence to ethical standards within the industry. Buyers with a clean ethical record often rank higher.

At Top Media Buyers, we employ a comprehensive and nuanced methodology to rank media buyers, considering a multitude of factors, each of which carries a distinctive weight in our unique algorithm. A crucial determinant is the sheer volume of media procured by the buyer, encompassing a broad spectrum from TV and radio spots to the increasingly crucial digital ad space. Also, we place significant emphasis on the diversity of the buyer's client portfolio, as it typically mirrors their adaptability and adept understanding of various market segments. The media buyer's negotiation prowess is another key component in our ranking process, with a keen eye on their ability to consistently secure cost savings for their clients without sacrificing quality. Our ranking system also prizes innovation in media buying strategies, such as the pioneering of new media channels or leveraging AI and data analytics to optimize media purchases. Furthermore, we scrutinize client retention rates as a litmus test of customer satisfaction and the buyer's capacity to forge robust, enduring partnerships. Lastly, but certainly not least, we assess the success rate of campaigns orchestrated by the media buyer, using key performance indicators such as impressions, click-through rates, and conversion rates. While these criteria form the foundation of our ranking process, our evaluation is not confined to them, and we also pay heed to other undisclosed factors to ensure our rankings are as thorough and accurate as possible.

The rankings provided on this site are intended to be informative and useful; however, we cannot guarantee their accuracy or reliability. We strongly urge all users to exercise due diligence before relying on any of the rankings provided.


Organizations must meet the following criteria to qualify for the Top Media Buyers list.



Global reach, serving clients on an international level



A minimum of five years experience in media buying



A minimum of 50 successful campaigns in the previous three years

Riley Wilson | Sawyer Johnson | Casey Brown